Sunday, July 29, 2012

Qt Speed Gauge Tutorial 3 - Adding GPS

This is part 3 of my SpeedGauge ttuorial. In this part we will add GPS capability, we will explain what is PositionSource element and we will introduce some new JavaScript Math functions. Also in this tutorial you are able to download the source code for Symbian^3 and for MeeGo phones.  Hope you enjoy it.

List of my Symbian MeeGo Qt tutorials

I have decided to write a list of my tutorials for Qt for MeeGo and Symbian^3 phones. This way everything will be in one place I will update this list when I create more tutorials so you can maybe add the page to your favorites. Hit Read more to see the list

Thursday, July 26, 2012

Qt Speed Gauge Tutorial 2

Hi, Here is the part 2 of our Qt SpeedGauge tutorial. In this  tutorial we will fix few things we didn't make it in our last one. We will remove ToolBar, add stops so that the needle doesn't go all the way around and we will add Spring animation to the Needle movement. This will result in a wobbly movement of needle. Also We will prevent the screen rotation. During programming I have also stumbled on an error message Cannot open output file Permission denied and collect2: Id returned 1 exit status. You can find out how I handled the situation. If I got your attention read on.

Monday, July 23, 2012

Qt SpeedGauge Tutorial 1

As I promised here is the first part of the SpeedGauge tutorial. This will be a series of tutorials. By the end of series you should know how to create an app that uses GPS of your Symbian and MeeGo Phone. As before we will use Qt Quick, QML and JavaScript for this. Firstly we will create the app for Symbian^3 phones and then we will adjust the app so it will work on MeeGo. It will need only minor adjustments.

Saturday, July 14, 2012

Speed Gauge tutorial

Hi all,
New version of my app is out. SpeedGauge is now v1.2 and is available for Symbian and MeeGo. Along with it you have tutorial explaining how to develop app like that for Symbian^3 and MeeGo using Qt QML. By buying this app you will support all the tutorials I have written so far. Both versions are available for download on Ovi Store. Here is version for Symbian^3 phones and here is MeeGo Version of SpeedGauge. So stay tuned! Click on read more to find out about the app and the tutorials.

Friday, July 13, 2012

Change default icon in Qt for Symbian

So you have finally completed your application for Symbian phones using Qt. Congrats. But when you install the app on your phone you get the default icon. You are wondering "How do I change the icon of my app?". If you don't change it you will be stuck with the default green icon with letters Qt. I have also enclosed the two icons in  SVG-Tiny format for you to download and play around. In this post you will also find a link to advices from Nokia on how to create the icons for Symbian, MeeGo and their other platforms.

Thursday, July 12, 2012

Amazing Alex This game is not recognized by Game Center issue

As you know Rovio published new game. It is called Amazing Alex. It's a puzzle game. The goal is to get object A and put at the place B. You have different items at your disposal.  The reason I am writing this article is the Error message that prevents people playing the game. When you install the game you get the nagging popup saying "The game is not recognized by Game Center." I am sure that Rovio is working on the fix to this but if you are looking on a quick workaround you are at the right place. View the solution by clicking Read more below...