Sunday, July 29, 2012

List of my Symbian MeeGo Qt tutorials

I have decided to write a list of my tutorials for Qt for MeeGo and Symbian^3 phones. This way everything will be in one place I will update this list when I create more tutorials so you can maybe add the page to your favorites. Hit Read more to see the list

How to download and install Qt SDK 1.2

where to download Qt SDK? How to install it on your computer?

Hello World for Symbian^3 with Qt Quick components done using Qt Creator

This is step by step guide how to create your first Qt app for Nokia phones. Qt SKD 1.4.4 is used for this video tutorial, but it should work on 1.2.1 also.

HelloWorld Qt App Explained part 1 of 2

Explanation of the hello world app. What is a project file? What is native code? What is declarative code? Explanation of the main.cpp file. Created using Qt SDK 1.4.4.

HelloWorld Qt App Explained part 2 of 2

Explanation of the code behind the main.qml and MainPage.qml. What is the relation between main.qml and MainPage.qml? Created using Qt SDK 1.4.4.

How to use Button from Qt Quick Components for Symbian

How to create a button? How to detect when it is pushed? We will also create a Text element, write statements to the console log and explain parent child relationship in QML. Position elements for landscape and for portrait orientation. Created using Qt SDK 1.4.4. Should also work on Qt SDK 1.2.1

Qt Speed Gauge Tutorial part 1 - Setting up the UI

How to use PNG images inside Symbian^3 and MeeGo App? How to rotate the image? Rotation animation element explained. How to create and use custom properties?

Qt SpeedGauge tutorial 2 - Fixing the loose ends

How to remove ToolBar from Qt Quick project? Preventing Screen orientation in the app. What is SpringAnimation and how to use it?

Qt SpeedGauge tutorial 3 - adding GPS functionality

comming soon!!! How to read GPS data from within QML? What is PositionSource element? Creating JavaScript functions and using JavaScript Math methods

Not my guides but definitely worth checking out:

Programming with Qt Quick for Symbian and MeeGo Harmattan Device

This is Nokia Qt official tutorial/document. It will cover the app creation from scratch. This tutorial creates ToDo List type of the app. It will cover adding multiple pages to an app. storing data to offline storage. Creating list, input forms and many other stuff. Definitely check it out!


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